Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Life is challenging enough, BLOGGER, really!

I am usually accepting of change when I've been given notice it is going to happen, what's changing and how to work with the new changes. Thanks Blogger for sneaking right up on me with the dashboard changes. I can't even find my followers list back here. I am throwing wrenches and parts all over the place trying to find my way back here. IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN........ Why fix it if it Ain't broke? For those of us who are not the techno geeks(experts) Keep It Simple Stupid. So I ask my guests and fans to please bare with me as I learn how to, all over again. Thought I did well enough getting this puppy up and running by trial and error and some advice from Daffy Cat and a few other early followers. JANE, stop this crazy thing!!! Rut row George! Damn it JIM, I am doctor Stitcher not a lawyer programer. Hehehe. Please stand by.


P.J. said...

Blogger what happened to my paragraphs?? There were spaces in there.... Sheesh! Not impressed.

Faye said...

I just sent them a nasty "feedback" notice...They asked, so I gladly told them I want my old blogger back! I'm with ya sista'~~~~

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

You said it so well! I am with you!

I want to spend my time stitching and quilting and pulling weeds--not trying to figure how how to make blogger work!

Grandmother Bessie always said "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Catherine said...

Oh my gosh ~ I so love how you wrote this and I so agree!

Erica said...

OH! I am soooo with you on this! i have had nothing but problems with blogger!

Penny said...

I have to say, I agree with you 100%!!