I packed up the rest of the Navy Girl's belongings that were in the closet so I could move my stitching closet from the guest room downstairs up to my stitching room. It took many trips up and down the stairs (good exercise) and some heavy lifting but it is all moved. We still need to add the new shelf across the top so that stuff is still downstairs; mostly my other craft stuffs like my loom loop pot holder supplies and scrapbooking stock.
I am very pleased with how it turned out.
Oh, your reorganising looks really good.
Worth all the (exercise) trips,
/you will wnjoy having all your things together and organized
Niiiiice!! I still don't have access to the closets in my DD's old room, which is now my sewing room. I'll be patient. lol!
Looks great!
Lookin' good!
I need to have a place like that.
Looking good, very organised :)
That is fabulous!!!!!
Looks great! I'm still going back and forth between my closet and my grad school daughter's room. She still comes home fairly frequently so I have to have everything portable & ready to take down so she can sleep in her room.
It looks great! Isn't it lovely to have a space of your own where you can wallow in your stash? Yum yum! Enjoy your special space.
Awesome!!!!! I wish I could find some space for all of my stuff. Better wait until next garbage day. LOL
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