Sunday, September 16, 2012


I have had the attention span of a nat lately.

I cannot believe that summer is coming to an end already, but I have to be quite honest.....FINALLY! It has been a very warm, sticky summer for northern New England, blah. I am feeling more like myself again with these cool, crisp days.

I did not realize how busy my summer was going to be this year. We went to San Antonio in May, I bounced down to Charlotte in August for scrap booking(just a leetle bit of stash); then a stash run to Massechuesettes ( a bit more stash) and then the in-laws landed in September. Whew! Oh wait our Navy Girl will be home for a week in October to see the animals and pick up her car. And then I head to Florida in November to a conference for work.

So as promised here are pictures of the stash from the mad dash. I will put together my next blog posting about my rug hooking expansion and pics of some purty wool.

Keep on stitching.

P.S. since blogger is once again "Enhancing" their program, I have not added captions because my pics now come across on my drafts as the full url link vs the actual pic, so your guess would be as good as mine. Let the pictures speak a thousand words. Come on Blogger not all of us are computer geeks (meant as a good thing). Help a girl out!


Catherine said...

Had to laugh at Squirrel!! Too funny!
Wonderful stash and yay for the cooler weather!

Lynn said...

Wow, incredible stash!!